Would you like to request a quote or order a frame? Here are your options:

Fill in our Door Frame Order Sheet (click the link below) and email to estimating@surefab.com.au.

Door Frame Order Form

We will get back to you within 24 – 48 hours with a confirmation email.


Give us a call on 02 6124 9250 and place an order verbally with one of our friendly staff.


Not quite sure what you are after yet? Have a browse through our catalogue to see what we offer.

Surefab – Door Frame Brochure

A few things to consider before you order:

  1. What wall are you using? e.g. Stud, Brick etc.
  2. What is the finished wall thickness? e.g. Stud plus wall linings.
  3. Frame Dimensions- Reveal or Overall Opening Size
  4. Hinges – Quantity of hinges being used, provided by us or yourself.
  5. Lock height- Standard height is 1032 mm
  6.  Frame Fixing – e.g. wire ties, stud clips, strap fixing, partition (on new walls), tube fixing, counter sunk holes (on existing walls).
  7. Door Dimensions
  8. Door Thickness and rating – e.g. Non Rated 35 mm or 40 mm or Fire rated mini at 38 mm or maxi at 47 mm.
  9. Is the door to be hinged on the RIGHT or LEFT hand side WHEN THE DOOR IS OPENING TOWARDS YOU?